Opening March 1
All Welcome
5-7 PM Reception
Meet the Artists
Events, Classes & Workshops
1st and 3rd Fridays of the month 7-8:30pm
From 25 US dollars1st and 3rd Fridays of the month 7-8:30pm
From 25 US dollarsMondays 7-9 PM Weekly Community Crafting
From 10 US dollarscollage, gelli printing, book making and more!
Starts Apr 7
From 50 US dollarsTuesdays 10-11:30 March 4- April 8
From 55 US dollarsWednesdays 10-11:30 May 7- June 11
From 55 US dollarsStarts Feb 25, six week class
Started Feb 25
325 US dollarsWednesdays 6-8:30 PM
320 US dollars2:30-5. Workshop inspired in Segni Mossi work
45 US dollarsSaturday March. 15@12:30-3:30 pm
From 20 US dollarsTake your Indigo Shibori Dyeing to the next level
From 25 US dollarsSaturday May 17@1-4 pm
From 20 US dollarsSat April. 26@1-4 pm
From 20 US dollarsSaturday March 15th, 9:30AM, for kids 6-8
40 US dollarsfor expecting moms, Thur. 3/20-4/10@7-8:30 PM
Starts Mar 20
260 US dollarsLast Saturday of the Month 10-12 with Extinction Rebellion
Join us for some fun!
From 12 US dollarsSeries of short and longer poses
20 US dollarsin Community 3/28 , 5:30-7 pm
From 20 US dollarsThursdays 4-6 PM
From 10 US dollarsFridays 2 PM Drop in with something to stitch, sew, quilt, embroider, or mend. Marella can help!
From 10 US dollars4 Tuesdays in March 3:30-6 PM
220 US dollars4 Tuesdays in April 3:30-6 PM
Starts Apr 8
220 US dollarsa three part class
Starts Apr 5
225 US dollarsOngoing, by appointment Honoring the wonderful Creative Body!
150 US dollarsNourish yourself with yoga, dance and art 4/4-6
500-650Ongoing by appointment. Bring your Group to the Studio!
Price TBDApril 12, May 10
25 US dollarsSunday 6/14 1-6 PM Create stunning blue images on fabric and paper.
250 US dollarsStarts May 19, 26, June 2 & 9@6:00-8:30
210 US dollars
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